Jun 12, 2008

Essay 2

What if the Boston tea party never happened?
the Boston Tea Party should not have happened. Really it was about about John Hancock's smuggling profits being undercut by the East India Tea Company...

Two thousand people stood on Griffin’s Wharf and watched the Boston Tea Party. The crowd was silent as sixty men dumped 340 chests of tea into the salt water. Some of them put lampblack or paint on their faces. Some came wrapped in blankets. They called themselves “Mohawks”. It took three hours and all done in silence and order. No damage was done to the ships. The crews of the tea ships were ordered below. No resistance was made. Some of the crew even helped unload the tea. The decks were swept clean. No “Mohawk” would keep any of the tea. and they were drunk. The significance of this moment showed that the Boston people were mad about being taxed on the tea. i they did like it at all. one change to history would be if the Mohawks weren't drunk. If they were sober then they would of thought more rationally about there consequence. If they didn't do this they would have kept taxing the Boston people. also if they didn't do this they would have gotten even more mad and could have done something way worse then that. the significance of the change in history is that they came up with the acts.

this event is important today because it showed that we had taxes back then. if they didn't have the Boston tea party then today taxes would be even higher then they already are. they significance of event to day is that is showed that back then the commoners had a say.

Essay 1

George Washington lived sixty-seven years, from 1732 to 1799. During his last twenty-four years—more than a third of his life—he was the foremost man in America, the man on whom the fate of his country depended more than on any other man. And these were fateful years. From 1775 to 1783—the years of the American War of Independence—Washington was Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army upon whose victory the thirteen colonies depended to secure their separate and equal station among the powers of the earth.

George Washington is called "the father of his country" for his crucial role in fighting for, creating and leading the United States of America in its earliest days. Washington was a surveyor, farmer and soldier who rose to command the Colonial forces in the Revolutionary War. He held the ragtag Continental Army together -- most famously during a frigid encampment at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania during the winter of 1777-78 -- and eventually led them to victory over the British. His success in the war made him a tremendously popular figure in America even after he retired to his farm at Mount Vernon in 1783. He was the natural choice to serve as the country's first president in 1789 after the new United States Constitution was ratified.

When he was a young officer in the Virginia Militia, he made a big mistake.The French were encroaching on the English territories, now the US, from Canada. They built a fort at present day Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. George Washington was sent out on a Reconnaissance mission to check out the fort. He had a Delaware Indian guide named "Halfking".On their way to the fort, they ran into some French soldiers and Washington ordered an attack. They captured a French Officer who was delivering a letter to the British at Williamsburg. Halfking killed him.To make matters worse, some of the French got away and made it back to the fort and the French and Indians went after Washington and his troops.

Washington decided to make a stand and built a small fort.It was a poor excuse for a fort though and to make matters worse, it was in a valley. The French could shoot down on the Virginians from the hills. It started raining and the valley flooded, to include the fort. George Washington had to surrender. He didn't read French and so didn't know that he signed a document ceding the land west of the appalachian mountains to the French. This started a war that lasted seven years with the French and the Indians.

May 29, 2008

Samuel Chase

Samuel Chase was born in Somerset County, Maryland, on April 17, 1741. At 18, he moved to Annapolis to read law. He died on June 19, 1811, at the age of seventy.

Chase was an early supporter of independence from England. He signed the Declaration of Independence, was the principal draftsman of Maryland's 1776 constitution, and participated on the revolutionary side during the War of Independence.

However, Chase was involved in an attempt to corner the flour market in 1778, during the War. He did so while a member of the Continental Congress at a time when the Congress was authorizing the purchase of flour for revolutionary troops.

Chase lost his seat, and much of his reputation. Hamilton, who intensely disliked Chase, stated that Chase had "the peculiar privilege of being universally despised."

Chase was an Anti-Federalist at the time of the framing and ratification of the Constitution. At some point shortly thereafter, Chase reversed course, and became a staunch supporter of the exercise of federal power and a believer in a structured and differentiated political and social order.

First, the French Revolution, and then the Terror, struck Chase and many others as a harbinger of events to come in the United States. Second, in 1794, in western Pennsylvania, the Whiskey Rebellion occurred.

The Rebellion was a result of the federal government's effort to try to collect excise taxes on whiskey distilled in western Pennsylvania, a tax that was despised.

The Whiskey Rebellion ended only after Washington sent 15,000 federal troops to the area.

Chase was the only justice in history impeached by the House of Representatives. Chase is best known for an intemperate act that moved the House of Representatives to vote a bill of impeachment against him in 1804. Chase had given an impassioned speech to a grand jury against democratic "mobocracy."

May 22, 2008

Book Portfolio

The Holocaust was a major event where about 6 million Jews were killed. The Jews weren't the only ones targeted during the Holocaust, Jehovah's witnesses, homosexuals and gypsies. Elie the author of Night wrote the book so that people would know of the tragic event and learn from the mistakes and not repeat them.

For my book portfolio, I read the book, Night it is written by Elie Wiesel and published in 1960. The main character in the story is the narrator, Eliezar a 12-year old Boy living in the Transylvanian town of Sighet. He is the only son in an Orthodox Jewish family that strictly adheres to Jewish tradition and law. His parents are shopkeepers, and his father is highly respected within Sighet’s Jewish community. Eliezer has two older sisters, Hilda and Béa, and a younger sister named Tzipora.
This book is about the journey and personal experiences of one person during the Holocaust. The author told about each step that he took place in during the Holocaust from being invaded by the Germans and forming a ghetto to being starved and working, seeing the ones you love die and at last sweet victory of beating Hitler and not dieing.

I think that the theme in this book is that we can learn from our past so we don't repeat our mistakes. The significance of the theme is to show people that if we don't learn from the mistakes from the people before us what can happen.

Statement for the book is to show the people that we can learn from our past mistakes in history and not repeat them, this is shown many times throughout the book. First throughout the book the Germans don't treat the Jews like humans. When they give them small rations of food, don't give them very many clothes and stick them in cattle carts like cows. In the beginning of the book the Jews have trust that the Germans aren't going to come for them or even harm them if they do come. The last thing we could learn from and not repeat is loosing faith just like the Jews did during the Holocaust. Elie lost faith in God, Elie wondered if his father was slowing him down so if he was dead would he be ahead of the game? This theme relates because when your not treated like human, you loose trust and faith therefore showing that if something like this ever happened again we might live longer knowing we can keep faith.This theme is important now and has been through time.
America has learned from their mistakes but other countries haven't so they need make mistakes and learn from them.

For example Rwanda which is a recent event that happened in the 90's is where the Hutu's tribe in Africa tried to take out the Tutsi's. 800,000 deaths happened in 100 days.
We're supposed to learn from our mistakes like the holocaust and yet Rwanda happened only 14years ago.
Darfur which only happened in 2003 is massive group of women and children Many were kicked out of the country.
200,000 people died in Darfur because of disease, malnutrition and violence.
The author of Night wrote about his experiences. America has learned from the mistakes of the Holocaust, but many other countries haven't unfortunately so in order for genocide to stop, other countries must experience it for themselves and learn from their mistakes. Night is all about the Holocaust the theme in the book is important because it shows that if we don't learn from our past there could be another big genocide within the Jews. Another reason why the theme is important in history because we can learn from our past and not repeat the same mistake twice having another or multiple genocide's taking out big pieces of the population.
He shows the theme of the book very well, he talks about his own struggles through the Holocaust. For example the Germans not treating the Jews like humans, Among Elie and other Jews were tossed carts and driven miles away for days. There were people loosing faith in not only God but the people that were around them Elie lost trust that his father was going to make and the rabbi felt like it was the end and they were never going get out.
Everyone lost trust going from being oblivious and thinking the Germans weren't going to come and in the end thinking the Germans have every control over them. Elie lost trust in his friends and family when they started talking nonsense about dieing when they were so close to getting out of the concentration camps.

May 16, 2008


February, 18, 1778

Dear Mother,

It has been really hard staying here in Valley Forge. The food here has no comparison to the food that you cook. All we have been eating is fire cakes and drinking cold water for the last three months. I think the thing i miss the most is sleeping in my own bed. I have to share a little 16x14 foot long hut with 10-12 men. and the only thing to keep us warm is this stone fire place. i really wish i brought my own blankets. Theses ones are so thin!

how is the weather like in Georgia? It has been mostly in the 20's and 30's over here. I don't think i have ever been this cold or wet in my life. There is allot of soldiers that are getting really ill. To the point where some of them died from their sickness. Many are not well enough to fight any longer.

How have you been? Anything exciting happened since i have been gone? How is dad doing? I know right before I left he was really sick. I hope he is doing better now. It was very hard for me not being able to be with the family for the holidays. we didn't celbrate it at all. No feast or anything.

It is very depressing here at Valley Forge. When I first signed for the army I was really proud and ready to fight for our colonies. Though I am still proud to be part of this army, it is very tiresome. It seems that we haven't won a single battle since the start of this war. Most nights we sleep in our drafty, dirty huts. Anyhow, for a while there seemed to be no one who cared about our needs as simple as clothing and food. Gen. Mifflin who is in charge of these tasks seems to not care at all about his duties. It is sad to see my brothers begin to lose hope in our cause and become weak. This simply because of a lack of a man not wanting to do his job.
I have been putting a lot of thought into whether I should re-enlist or whether I just want to come home to my family. Though I am tired and weary I am going to keep fighting to ensure that you and dad is kept safe. Sadly, I must go for there are many duties that I need to fulfill for today. Just know that I am thinking of you day and night. I love you. I will write as soon as i can


Apr 9, 2008

Boston Massacre

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. I stand here before you because the British soldiers and captain Preston are Innocent in this massacre on march, 5, 1770 in Boston, Massachusetts the sentry was not on his Base and suddenly a couple of young boys came up to him. They were accusing him of owing someone money for a hair cut. they boys were also insulting him, saying that he would not pay the man back because he wasn't a gentlemen, just like the red coats. then the soldier strikes the boy who was insulting him. when some of the towns people herd of the scuffle they stated to come out in the streets to see what was going on. slowly more and more people start to fill the streets. and naturally the sentry was scared of the growing mob. so he rang the bell, which drew almost everyone out of there homes. he also sent for back up, who wouldn't if you were being faced with a mob and just you. from the testaments we have heard it seems to be that when the soldiers came out and stood shoulder to shoulder in a row. Somebody yelled Fire. then the soliders did what they heard. five townspeople kille. there were alot of people think it was Capt. Preston that said it. but other peolpe say that they herad someone say don't fire. so no one can really prove that capt. Preston is guity of saying fire or not. i think that they are innocent because they only did what they herad they didn't know any better.

I. summary of event

start to death

II. blame

detailsys III.


1770- context

Mar 24, 2008

book portfolio

Response to lit
Brittany Curtis

I read the book, As the future Catches You By Juan Enriquez. This book is about how

genetics, genome, and technology are changing our lives. I think the theme in this book is that

you should pay attention to technology and learn all you can or you will never understand the

global economy. This book talks about how technology is changing over the centuries, and how it

is still changing. Stem cell and genetic engineering research has gotten extremely advanced. And

hopefully it will be able to be used as cure to diseases, cancer and other life threatening illnesses.

It also tells about how they can process your DNA to find out what diseases you are susceptible

to and cure them before you even get them.

Technology is a big part of our lives, and it only getting more advanced and more

complicated. If you want to be in touch with the global economy, then you need to understand

what’s driving it. Computer companies are making so much money by developing and selling

their ideas. So it would be a good idea if you were technology literate. According to the Bureau of

Labor statistics, each of the 5 fasting-growing job categories in the US from 1998-2008 is

expected to be computer related. In Silicon Valley the computer companies are constantly going

under, then coming right back on top again with billions of dollars worth of new technology. So if

you want to be successful you need to have a company that struggle, and then succeeds.

I can see that computers are becoming smarter than people when 1990 one of the worlds

best chest players, Gary Kasparov faced off against Deep Thought, an IBM computer, and beat it

mercilessly. But in 1996 they had a rematch, and Gary Kasparov lost. That shows me the book

is true, and I am glad I read it. I want to understand how the global economy works, and this

book shoed me how. The countries that have high tech industry are the most successful, and out

country is very high tech, and also very successful.

This book connects with history in many ways. On connection is the way genomics have

changed since the past, and if we had this technology, history would probably be a little

different. The book says that today technology exists that can analyze your DNA, to see if you

genes are ones of a healthy person that can help in today’s society, or is going to die of some sort

of hereditary disease. That means that if you apply to a job, you can not be hired base on you

genetics. In World War Two before there was that technology the Nazis put Jew in

Concentration camps, because they thought there race, and genetics were inferior, but in reality

they are the same as everybody else. That shows the advancement in technology, and how it

would have been useful in the past, but it did not exist.

The author achieved his purpose, because I have changed the way I thought about the

future. At first I didn’t care at all what the future had in store, but now I glad I know, because I

think everything will be ok. When people start having there DNA modified to make them less

susceptible to diseases humans will have a longer life expectancy. Now countries that are less

technology advance should work on getting some sort of computer industry, because that is

where the future is heading.