Jun 12, 2008

Essay 2

What if the Boston tea party never happened?
the Boston Tea Party should not have happened. Really it was about about John Hancock's smuggling profits being undercut by the East India Tea Company...

Two thousand people stood on Griffin’s Wharf and watched the Boston Tea Party. The crowd was silent as sixty men dumped 340 chests of tea into the salt water. Some of them put lampblack or paint on their faces. Some came wrapped in blankets. They called themselves “Mohawks”. It took three hours and all done in silence and order. No damage was done to the ships. The crews of the tea ships were ordered below. No resistance was made. Some of the crew even helped unload the tea. The decks were swept clean. No “Mohawk” would keep any of the tea. and they were drunk. The significance of this moment showed that the Boston people were mad about being taxed on the tea. i they did like it at all. one change to history would be if the Mohawks weren't drunk. If they were sober then they would of thought more rationally about there consequence. If they didn't do this they would have kept taxing the Boston people. also if they didn't do this they would have gotten even more mad and could have done something way worse then that. the significance of the change in history is that they came up with the acts.

this event is important today because it showed that we had taxes back then. if they didn't have the Boston tea party then today taxes would be even higher then they already are. they significance of event to day is that is showed that back then the commoners had a say.