Dec 12, 2007

Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution and the French revolution are very similar in some ways. They both

didn't have a lot of money during that period of time. In the castle had had people how like to

party. like in the Russian revolution there was a man named Rasputin and all he did was eat

cakes and draink to get wasted. and in the french revolution mary antoinett liked to have parties in

the castle and eat cake too.

Spanish Cvil War

Spanish Civil War
"Pablo Picasso's Guernica is a work of art and not propaganda."
Propaganda is some sort of advertising to influence people to believe or think something.
The painting Guernica symbolizies about of thing that are happening during the Spnaish civil
war.The painting shows people, animals, and buildings wrenched by the violence and chaos of
the bombing, as well as the outline of a skull formed by various objects. This large canvas
embodies for many the inhumanity, brutality and hopelessness of war, and the cruelty of
bombing civilians. The choice to paint in black and white without color contrasts the screaming
intensity of the scene.