Mar 24, 2008

book portfolio

Response to lit
Brittany Curtis

I read the book, As the future Catches You By Juan Enriquez. This book is about how

genetics, genome, and technology are changing our lives. I think the theme in this book is that

you should pay attention to technology and learn all you can or you will never understand the

global economy. This book talks about how technology is changing over the centuries, and how it

is still changing. Stem cell and genetic engineering research has gotten extremely advanced. And

hopefully it will be able to be used as cure to diseases, cancer and other life threatening illnesses.

It also tells about how they can process your DNA to find out what diseases you are susceptible

to and cure them before you even get them.

Technology is a big part of our lives, and it only getting more advanced and more

complicated. If you want to be in touch with the global economy, then you need to understand

what’s driving it. Computer companies are making so much money by developing and selling

their ideas. So it would be a good idea if you were technology literate. According to the Bureau of

Labor statistics, each of the 5 fasting-growing job categories in the US from 1998-2008 is

expected to be computer related. In Silicon Valley the computer companies are constantly going

under, then coming right back on top again with billions of dollars worth of new technology. So if

you want to be successful you need to have a company that struggle, and then succeeds.

I can see that computers are becoming smarter than people when 1990 one of the worlds

best chest players, Gary Kasparov faced off against Deep Thought, an IBM computer, and beat it

mercilessly. But in 1996 they had a rematch, and Gary Kasparov lost. That shows me the book

is true, and I am glad I read it. I want to understand how the global economy works, and this

book shoed me how. The countries that have high tech industry are the most successful, and out

country is very high tech, and also very successful.

This book connects with history in many ways. On connection is the way genomics have

changed since the past, and if we had this technology, history would probably be a little

different. The book says that today technology exists that can analyze your DNA, to see if you

genes are ones of a healthy person that can help in today’s society, or is going to die of some sort

of hereditary disease. That means that if you apply to a job, you can not be hired base on you

genetics. In World War Two before there was that technology the Nazis put Jew in

Concentration camps, because they thought there race, and genetics were inferior, but in reality

they are the same as everybody else. That shows the advancement in technology, and how it

would have been useful in the past, but it did not exist.

The author achieved his purpose, because I have changed the way I thought about the

future. At first I didn’t care at all what the future had in store, but now I glad I know, because I

think everything will be ok. When people start having there DNA modified to make them less

susceptible to diseases humans will have a longer life expectancy. Now countries that are less

technology advance should work on getting some sort of computer industry, because that is

where the future is heading.