Nov 2, 2007

Animal Farm
Brittany Curtis

“Four legs good, two legs bad.” I read the book Animal Farm: A Fairy Story by George Orwell. This book took place in1943–1944, in London. Animal Farm is set in an unspecified time period. This book took place in an imaginary farm in England. In a quick summery of the book is that the animals throw off their human leader and make some sort socialist community called Animal Farm; the pigs, being the most intelligent animals in the group, take control of the planning and government of the farm.
The climax in this story is in Chapter V, when Napoleon runs Snowball off the farm with his trained pack of dogs then takes power the falling action is when, Squealer tries to stop Napoleon’s actions reinterpretations of Animalist principles but Napoleon continues to have his power, the common animals continue to obey the pigs, hoping for a better future.
I think the theme of this book is that when someone is in power no one is equal.
Some of the main characters of this story are the pigs, Snowball, Squealer, and Napoleon. They are all tying to have power over the farm.
Boxer is the cart-horse whose incredible strength and loyalty played a big role in the early of making of Animal Farm and the later completion of the windmill. He is quick to quick to help but rather dumb, Boxer shows much devotion to Animal Farm’s ideals. He trusts the pigs to make all his decisions for him. His two mottos are “I will work harder” and “Napoleon is always right.”
Mr. Jones is the often drunk farmer who runs the Manor Farm before the take over and called it Animal Farm. Mr. Jones is an unkind master who indulges himself while his animals lack food.
I didn’t really understand the symbolism of this book because I don’t really know my history very well. I think that I would of ilike the book better, if I understood the symbolism.